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May 2, 20223 min read
Now we are six!
My girls turned six on Saturday, and we had a lovely party with a house full of people: big ones and little ones!
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Lauren Livingstone
Oct 25, 20213 min read
We ran out of water during the summer – I’ve blogged about it before, laughing at the irony of our borehole running dry in a place where...
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Aug 30, 20212 min read
Getting it together...
I start most days with lists: a list of things to do that day, a list of things happening during the week, a list of affirmations!
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Aug 23, 20212 min read
New beginnings.
Last week was a week for new beginnings, for sure. The girls had their first week of primary school, their teacher had her first week in...
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Aug 16, 20212 min read
What's new?..
What’s new? In the Shepherd’s Cottage house, I’ve just put my girls on the school bus, and they’re away to “ask her (their teacher) who...
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Aug 9, 20212 min read
Bursting out of your boundaries is hard...
We went on holiday last week, driving down South to a lovely village near Newcastle for a few days. It may seem strange going to a town...
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Jul 26, 20213 min read
Plastic Free July: Choose bar soap
Long ago, when I lived in Durban, a friend and I would go for coffee in the Botanic Gardens. We would picnic: a flask of espresso and...
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Jan 17, 20213 min read
Island Life: Anything is possible...
On a clear day, after a quick walk up the hill behind our house to the highest point on Lismore, you can see the island stretch out,...
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